Forgiveness, Gratitude and Attitude

Forgiving someone of a wrong done against us, especially if that wrong has left scars, is not always the easiest thing in the world to do. Sometimes we can forgive freely and without much thought after the fact, but other times, because of emotional and/or physical harm done, forgiveness can in some cases be almost impossible. But, we must forgive. Forgiveness is not an option. It is absolutely essential to our well-being that we not carry grudges and emotional wounds around for long or they will wreak havoc in our lives in ways we generally do not think about.

Non-forgiveness causes resentment, and resentment is mental poison. Resentment causes anger, depression, anxiety, paranoia, and all the resulting physical conditions that go along with the bad feelings. Resentments over time can only do long-term damage to a persons psyche and physical well-being. So how do we forgive is we can’t forgive?

We ask for help. The Creator of all is all about forgiveness and harmony. Now you may look around and see a whole lot of disharmony around you, but that is man-made. God doesn’t send people bad situations. We are plenty good enough at making them ourselves. But we must be willing to accept that help. Then we have to believe. Give God credit, either He can or He can’t. So just ask…be willing…and maybe forgiveness will find its way into your heart. We forgive others ultimately to help ourselves.

Another key player in the making of a beautiful life is gratitude. I cannot say it enough. Gratitude is essential. Real gratitude. In this world and life it’s very easy to forget just how blessed we are at times. Always give thanks for the basic necessities of life. Give thanks for good health and the well-being of friends and loved ones. And give thanks for what it is you are seeking. “What you are seeking is also seeking you.” To give thanks in advance for something we hope and pray for is an act of faith, and faith of course is “the evidence of things unseen.”

To greet any new day with a thankful heart and free from emotional bondage means that day has all the better chance to be a really good one. Attitude, it’s been said, is 90% of success. That’s just about right. It’s what you really believe, your ongoing attitude. A good attitude, combined with confidence, faith and true love of life will only make life better. We are only here for a relatively short time. To waste any of it away in bitterness, resentment, or loneliness is truly sad and not the will of God. God’s will is always upward, and for us to be free and happy.


2 thoughts on “Forgiveness, Gratitude and Attitude

  1. Pingback: Get Rid Of Resentments Quickly In Recovery: They Are LIke Poison Brewing Inside You | A Path To Recovery

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